
A major component to managing diabetes is having a physician who understands your daily challenges and who can be your coach along the way.

In an MDVIP-affiliated practice, your physician can work with you to address your concerns and to create a treatment plan tailored to your unique health needs and goals. Although you cannot control all your risk factors for diabetes, MDVIP-affiliated physicians have had success in helping to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, reducing medications and better managing the overall health of their patients. The annual MDVIP Wellness Program can also aid in limiting the risk of diabetes-related complications such as heart disease. 

Program Features

  • Advanced screenings and tests to help identify risk factors and issues that can be treated early, prevented or even reversed
  • A customized wellness plan developed from your test results and built around you to address areas of concern
  • Nutrition and fitness guidance to help keep your cholesterol, blood pressure and weight in check 
  • MDVIP Connect, your personal website and app, featuring health-specific meal plans and exercise programs


MDVIP-affiliated physicians have time to work with you to help manage conditions like Type 2 diabetes.“Dr Turner has been my PCP for almost 20 years and he has always been a wonderful doctor. As his practice got busier and busier, however, I normally had to see the NP if anything acute was going on. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t the same as seeing Dr Turner. During those years, I managed to gain close to 100 lbs and had tried everything short of bariatric surgery to try to get it off. … I was discouraged, but I didn’t know what I could do to lose the weight and correct my metabolism."

“I wasn’t too sure about MDVIP, but I felt that Dr Turner deserved a chance. I knew I needed the physical, though I was confident [my results] would be bad. They were bad. The labs were really bad and I was on the verge of diabetes. About 3 months ago Dr Turner put me on a less than 20 g net carb a day diet."

“I am now down almost 30 lbs. The labs were just redone and I am amazed at how much better they are. My HgbA1C went from 6.3 to 5.8. I am almost out of the prediabetes range and my triglycerides (which have been high as long as I can remember) are much better. The small dense LDL particles went from an outrageous 775 to 252. I am completely off the BP meds, I have more energy, and I am breathing so much better. I feel like a whole new person.”

— Sherry, Patient of MDVIP Affiliate Kevin W. Turner, MD
