Disease Prevention

Even if you’re feeling great, your MDVIP-affiliated doctor can help you maintain good health and avoid some of the problems that come with aging.

It can be challenging to stay on top of your health, especially as we age, but it can be a bit easier in an MDVIP-affiliated practice. You will be supported from the quality time spent with your doctor during visits to the resources and programs offered year-round on MDVIP Connect, your personal website and app. Additionally, the annual, comprehensive MDVIP Wellness Program and its advanced lab work can help identify and address problems early. 

Program Features

  • Advanced screenings and tests to help identify risk factors and issues that can be treated early, prevented or even reversed
  • A customized wellness plan developed from your test results and built around you to address areas of concern
  • Nutrition and fitness guidance to help keep your cholesterol, blood pressure and weight in check 
  • MDVIP Connect, your personal website and app, featuring health-specific meal plans and exercise programs


MDVIP-affiliated physicians have time to help you take the steps that reduce disease.“I wish everyone could have a health care professional of Dr. Michl’s caliber. He takes the time to listen and is very thorough with follow up. I love his emphasis on prevention. We service our cars regularly - why not our bodies? My annual visit is very complete and gives me some peace of mind.”
— Joanne, Patient of MDVIP Affiliate Keith W. Michl, MD, FACP

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