Adult Vaccine Resources

List of adult vaccines

Travel Immunizations by Country

Check the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website’s Traveler’s Health section for a complete A-Z of destinations and the required and recommended vaccinations needed by type of traveler – from short vacation and extended stay (such as work or study abroad) to mission and disaster travel.


14 Adult Vaccine-Preventable Diseases

Here's an at-a-glance overview of the vaccines adults need and the risks of not being vaccinated


What Adult Immunizations Do I Need?

Take the CDC’s Adult Vaccine Test to find out what vaccinations you need or may have missed.


Possible Side-effects from Vaccines

Are you worried about how vaccines might affect you? You can read about vaccine side effects here, and you should always talk to your MDVIP-affiliated physician about vaccinations.


How Do Vaccines Work?

Learn more about how vaccines are designed and how they work.  


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