Back into the living!

Member First Name
Karin Coleman
| February, 15 2024 | for Jeffrey D. Esslinger, MD

Dr Esslinger is a very compassionate doctor. He listens to what I have to say, with empathy and compassion. I believe he takes the whole person in mind when he sees patients. Body, mind and spirit.
He’s interested in knowing who he sees.
After being in the “system” of being referred to every specialist to figure out what to do with long covid and vaccine effects, no doctor was interested in the person , me, that was in front of them.
If there wasn’t something in the bloodwork or scan , they were done.
Dr Esslinger knew my tests were all negative and everything appeared normal on scans , but there is a lot of unknown with ling covid and instead of treating symptoms like all the other doctors did, he got to the bottom of my suffering. Tried new approaches and was willing g to hear my input on my own health. It’s been life changing for me. I have hope and I am functioning again at work and in my relationships and in life! I am back to excersising and back to my mindful practices. Dr Esslinger is my beacon of hope for my health forward.
He is also an example of living a healthy life , and he knows what it takes. I look forward to his opinions and directions on my health path .
