Building trust by showing support

I hadn't been to a doctor for 35 years. Was rushed to the emergency room with very high blood pressure. Made a deal with the ER doctor to get and see a doctor if he would admit me to the hospital. Key background information, I am a HS football coach who had taken a new job and we were 2 days away from our season opener. So, I signed the waiver and got some medication and got through friday night. (w/ a win by the way) Proceeded to find Dr. Wilson came in had a interview process, which was weird, but turnned out to be a great process. We listened to each other and he spoke in terms I was used to using and hearing. Which excited me and energized me to stay to the plan Dr. Wilson was going to create. He always was interested in the team and becasue he lived locally he was able to keep up with the team. He keep up with us so much, he even attended a game. I was able to introduce him to my family and coaching staff. As we said out goodbyes that night loudly told my wife do worry I will get him fixed. My wife teared up a bit and I told her that is why I go to see him. That positive, confident and infectious person makes me want to go see the docter now. Meeting me in my world and experinceing my excitement about my work gave me the motivation to not only work for him, but work on me for him.