A Doctor That Cares

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| March, 10 2024 | for Bernard J. Plansky, MD

I have known Dr. Plansky, for many years. I'm not sure how many years. Over 30, I suppose. I met him when I was calling critical results from a hospital laboratory. That sounds simple enough, but it can be tricky to reach someone in the middle of the night. And, it's somewhat of a mixed bag. The person on the other end of the phone is not always as appreciative or concerned as you might think they would be. In fact, sometimes they can be angry and sort of hostile. Dr. Plansky was never a doctor you had to worry about waking up at 3:00 in the morning. He was always his chipper self, just as if it was 3:00 in the afternoon. One day I asked if he was taking patients and he made room for me.
Fast Forward to 2023 and my wife and I are comparing our doctor's approaches to health care. Long story short, after some "why doesn't my doctor do that", she started seeing Dr. Plansky. Like with many things, there are different levels, and there are different levels of care and caring.
Over these many years there have been life's curveball of health issues. Dr. Plansky has guided me through them.
As a patient and laboratory technologist working not only with Dr. Plansky, but with many, many doctors, I can't imagine that anybody wouldn't rate his level of care, caring, and expertise as excellent.
