Doctor Delight: A Prescription for Praise!

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| March, 15 2024 | for Fathima Syed, MD

When I started seeing Dr. Syed years ago, I was in terrible shape. My anti-depression meds weren't working, my RA and fibro were not under control, my anxiety was a mess, and I was having so much trouble with fatigue. I'm an emotional eater so because of all this, I had reached 260 pounds from a combination of not being able to do anything and binge eating because of how bad I felt, which of course aggravated everything, gave me high blood pressure, high triglycerides, and high cholesterol. It also triggered my body into Diabetes 2. Dr. Syed took a look at all these problems and we slowly started implementing changes. She recommended specialists for each individual problem I had and I followed her direction and theirs. It took a few years, but under her direction and care, I have my Diabetes, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, and high cholesterol under control. My chronic conditions have improved as much as they can and I no longer suffer with daily pain, just intermittent pain. My fatigue, which is the bane of my existence, is better, although not completely perfect, and I've lost 77 pounds, slowly, which is the best way to do it. In addition, I love Dr. Syed's bedside manner and her staff is friendly and engaging. When I was in the hospital for pneumonia a few years ago, Dr. Syed checked in on me every day to make sure I was improving, and I know I can call her if I have an emergency, which fortunately, I have never had. I'm just so happy with Dr. Syed and my experiences with MDVIP in general. Many thanks to your organization and so much gratitude for Dr. Syed.
