Down to Earth Doc

Dr John as my family (The Carsons) calls Dr John Sensenbrenner always amazes us - Once his Family including his Dad was singing at his Church - he invited us - My wife , my 94 year old mother-in-law especially to hear them - they were AMAZING !!
When I go in for my MDVIP follow up on the Exam -Dr John takes the time to ask about my Real Estate Business and Life & my boys and their wives and children. Of course, that gives me time to let him talk and fill me in about what is going on with the Sensenbrenners an INTERESTING GROUP to say the least!!
Please Note Dr. John took over my Original Doctor when I got out of the Military -Dr Barrett - who was old school - he believed a Doctor had to know all about you and what makes you tick in order to do his job correctly - my kind of Doc !! That's Dr John !!
My last Story - my Chiropractor noticed my color was off - told me to call my Dr which I did since I did not feel bad but did not have much energy - Dr John got me in immediately that Day - ran blood work and set up Blood Transfusions and Iron Infusions over the next few days - I was immediately up and running and enjoying my Real Estate Business thanks to his quick reactions and knowing immediately what I needed and has NEVER delayed Seeing me - I call that AMAZING in Today's World which is normally put off today what you should have done yesterday !! Respectfully , Doug Carson