Dr. Marina Manvelyan Excellence

Member First Name
| February, 29 2024 | for Marina Manvelyan, MD

Dr. Manvelyan is very knowledgeable, personable, caring, and effective. She manages to take the time necessary to diagnose and treat my health issues. Her evaluations of my symptoms are consistently accurate.

Dr. Manvelyan always makes herself available to discuss my concerns either telephonically or via office visit. Her commitment to make herself available in this manner is an invaluable quality of care she provides. She thoroughly addresses my concerns, which, in turn, relieves my mind and calms my anxiety. She comprehensively evaluates my overall history of medical issues and displays remarkable understanding.

Dr. Manvelyan exceeds excellence as a doctor, resulting in her well deserved rating of outstanding.

Thank you Dr. Manvelyan for your great values and all that you do to help me and others! You are appreciated!
