Dr.Patricia Lopez Po

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| February, 1 2024 | for Patricia Lopez Po, MD

I am a physician and have never had a PCP in my life. I had no idea of the MDVIP program except that patients in the program were sent to me via their MDVIP PCP! I needed to find a doctor quickly when COVID 19 started and he was great. I rarely, contacted or needed to see him and my schedule makes it hard. I knew of Dr. Lopez Po and was excited to see her take over the practice. She is such and awesome physician and really does care. She is happy to do her job and is easy to communicate with. I am impressed with her care, but was even more impressed with the respect she shows her assistants and staff, as well as other patients. I would like to compare her treatment of her staff as compared to a veterinary surgeon that was recommended for surgery that our dog needs that I just witnessed yesterday..... the MA was happy and was efficient and obviously knows the practice of the VET and when I noted that she said that this VET of the 4 in the same practice was her favorite and that she had worked with her for the last 10 yrs. What struck me however was for the respect and upbeat attitude that the MA had to the VET , i did not really see the reciprocity that i expected to see when the Vet came in to the room and spoke with us and communicated with the MA , i actually felt that the Vet did not show much respect and obviously does not understand the value of this MA's loyalty and energy and trust. That feeling made me realize that I definitely wanted to find this email( as it came a while ago) about complementing my PCP Dr. Lopez Po and recognize her for not only being intelligent , thorough and easy to talk to and reach, but mostly to highlight her great appreciation she really really does have for her staff and I know if she treats them with that respect then I know she does to all of her patients without bias or prejudice and has the light of Jesus inside her and shines a light to all individuals even when not in the role of a physician . Please recognize her for being a great human being.!!!!
