Extra ordinary care!

Member First Name
| April, 4 2024 | for Karen C. Dantin, MD
Image provided by: Teresa

When my doctor Dr. Karen Dantin, first, announced that she was going to join MDVIP, I asked my husband to come with me for the informational presentation. I did not disclose that I was going to have to pay extra for this service because I did not think he would approve the extra money out of our budget. He came, listened, and when the presentation was over the Dr. asked if anyone had any questions my husband raised his hand. I was squirming in my seat unsure of what he was going to say. I was truly amazed at what I heard. He said, “ I have been looking for this, my whole life! I am so tired of getting 10 minutes of my doctors time! He doesn’t even know what’s going on in my health, let alone my life! “ I am happy to say we BOTH signed up that night!
It is not uncommon for me to get One Hour with my doctor. Even if I make the appointment that morning! She has everything I need in her office to assess my health and my needs. The test that she runs through MDVIP are truly amazing. Help her to pinpoint my issues and diagnose remedies! I feel truly blessed and grateful for her joining MDVIP.
