Fast Action

Member First Name
| March, 11 2024 | for William W. Davito, DO

In June, 2018 I was working in my yard when I injured my back. At the time I didn’t realize how serious it was. I was in pain and one of my feet did not work. I called in for an appointment and was taken in right away. I live 60 miles from Bartlesville so the ride was grueling. As
Soon as Dr. DavIto saw me he recognized that I had a “drop foot”, caused by nerve damage. The importance of that is, if it’s not immediately tended to, the damage can become permanent.. He contacted a neurosurgeon in Tulsa that he knew, and had worked on him. The surgeon made time to squeeze me in. MRI completed and away I went to surgery. He promised he try to save the nerve, but no guarantees. Following surgery the foot was 85% back and completely healed I time. I have several docs to thank, but it all began with De. Davito. Thanks again.
