Following Dr. DeAnezsis and Health Care

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| April, 4 2024 | for Kathryn DeAnzeris, MD

Where does one begin, I have been a patient of Dr. DeAnezsis for over 10 years. When I first met her, I instantly felt a connection to her. She was relatable, honest, energetic, compassionate, knowledgeable yet, professional. Watching, her over the years trying to give the best care in an industry that is bureaucratic, full of regulations, wait time and endless insurance protocols is disparaging . She would never have an enough time, because she had to meets the numbers was stressful for a patient and for the doctor too. I don't like to go to hospitals because of the endless burden I see our system experiencing. For us who pay for our insurance not being able to get the care we need is upsetting. When Dr. DeAnzeris, said she was leaving the hospital, I cried and became angry to think this is what medicine has come too. I knew I had to follow her. Going with Dr. DeAnzeris, is a blessing. She has more time to spend giving the care I know she wants to give. To be able to give an appointment right away, having access 7 days a week without the hassle of having to go to the ER if for example; when I got poison ivy on my face or a burn on my hand and could get a prescription called in for simple aliments right away is real blessing. DR. DeAnzeris is, always available , prompt answering questions, gets an appointment to a specialist immediately is so reassuring . My whole family sees her, and we all love her and are grateful for the care she gives to us. I'm so happy to be with Dr. DeAnzeris and MDVIP for all the care they give to their patients and trying to make things easier in this endless sea of mismanaged health care. I will always follow Dr. DeAnzeris as long as she practices medicine. 
