Hammer with a Huge Heart

Member First Name
| March, 7 2024 | for Scott A. Hammer, MD, FAAFP

Scott Hammer is an awesome person and a great doctor. We were his patients before he started with MDVIP and followed him into concierge medical care. He makes it worth it. You can tell he genuinely cares. He's always willing to go the extra mile to ensure me and my family get the best care possible. If he feels something is outside his area of expertise, he's willing to research and call on his colleagues to make sure we get the care we need. It's not about ego or money with Scott. It's about his patients, his people. We definitely appreciate him and how he cares for our family. He's a part of the family as well. It also doesn't hurt that we share an alma mater (Go Tarheels!) and even the same dorm even though it was a decade a part. He's our doc and we are so glad that we have him in our corner.
