He was There

Member First Name
| March, 20 2024 | for James S. Parsons, MD

When I started seizing and lapsed into a coma from a brain infection, he diagnosed the problem, and called in reinforcements. He was there. When I had headaches so bad I couldn’t walk, he came to my house to give me relief. He was there. When I had bronchitis to the point of gasping for breath, he was there. When COVID hit, he was there. When I had to call him while on his vacation to tell him I had abdominal pain, he diagnosed my pain, sent me to the hospital and checked on me after appendicitis surgery. He was there. When my son died in an accident and I had to stand in a visitation line for 8 hours, he was there. (Yes Jim, I saw you.) I consider you my friend, Dr Parsons, because you are always there. Thank you.
