How Lucky I Am!

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| March, 14 2024 | for Robert Kopecki, DO

Several years ago, my MDVIP doctor helped me out after I had an episode with my heart. He saw me right away, found a great cardiologist, and sent me over. I got past that episode, but he and my cardiologist have collaborated over the years to make sure I've gotten the best care. It's interesting to me that the 2 doctors don't always agree on everything, but they work through any issues together, which I think gets me the best care possible! I recently had another episode which required some further treatment. My doctor once again worked closely with my cardiologist and the EP doctor I needed to make sure I had answers to all my questions and a good path forward. I appreciate my doctor's caring, his data-driven approach, and his willingness to discuss any situation with me and other dotors promptly and thoroughly. My cardiologist has told me more than once that she thinks my MDVIP primary care doc takes really good care of me and that I am lucky to be under his care.
