I need Dr. Weiss, he will be there for me.

Member First Name
| March, 1 2018 | for Martin J. Weiss, MD

There is no comparison between the individualized health care I receive from Dr. Martin Weiss and most of my friends' and family's health care. He is always there when I need him, and those times in the past several years have been often and difficult. He has helped me through two major surgical procedures since November of 2016, for years before those problems, and I implicitly trust my care in the present and future to his expertise. Everyone in his office is welcoming and I know when I need Dr. Weiss, he will be there for me. You can't put a price on that kind of assurance. for that reason, I have finally talked my sister into calling Dr. Weiss to discuss returning to his care in spite of the MDVIP annual cost and the distance between her home and Memphis. I surely hope she does make the change. The care, genuine concern, and advanced treatment plans are well worth the money and miles!
