Katie Deanzaris is amazing!

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| March, 11 2024 | for Kathryn DeAnzeris, MD

I’ve always felt very important as a patient under Katie Deanzaris’s care. She is always so thorough in my visits, ensuring I’m taking all the appropriate and proactive next steps to remain in good health.

The moment that mattered the most to me was when I landed in the hospital two years ago around Thanksgiving due to pneumonia and found out through all the scans that a tumor was found in my right lower lobe of my lung and surgery was needed. While I was under the care of a team of specialists, she came to visit me and helped me process the information I received and supported me throughout - always asking me if I’m okay. And while I mainly remained strong through it all, whenever SHE asked me that question, it always made me shed a few tears because I knew she was so sincere and really understood what I was going through.

When she moved to MDVIP, I told her I would always follow where she goes, no matter what. She is and always will be THAT amazing!
