A Miracle Worker

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| March, 11 2020 | for Melodie Phillips, MD, FACP

I have sleep apnea. I didn't know I had it, and I don't know when it might have begun before it was diagnosed. During a regular visit with Dr. Phillips, I mentioned that my (fraternal) twin sister had this. I happened to have a family picture of all five of us, and I showed it to her. She studied it for several minutes, then commented that the lower part of my twin sister's face and mine were very much alike. I believe she was looking at our mouths, chins, and neck area. She suggested that I go to a neuroscience center close by and do a sleep test. This I did, and I found out that I had sleep apnea, too. I obtained a CPAP machine and have been using it ever since. If I had not showed the picture to Dr. Phillips, and if her keen eye and observation had not taken place, I never would have had the sleep test. If I had never gotten the CPAP machine, I could have stopped breathing during the night and not lived to tell about it! I will have to use the CPAP machine the rest of my life, which is a small effort to stay alive.
