My Five-Star Doctor David Estock!

Member First Name
| March, 27 2024 | for David S. Estock, MD

I have been privileged to have Dr. Estock as my primary care doctor for 19 years, and I feel so fortunate! Even before MDVIP he was someone whom I could always depend on with any health concerns. When I called with a question, he always called me back promptly, and if I needed an appointment, he was always available. When my husband was very ill, and in an Assisted- Living facility, Dr. Estock was there for him also, even though Ross was not part of the MDVIP program at the time. As for office visits, check-ups, etc., again he is very kind and thorough, and also patiently allows time for me to ask my inevitable questions. His staff are all wonderful also, a complement to his character and leadership! I feel very fortunate, indeed, to have him as my doctor! 
