My Hero

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| March, 10 2024 | for Cedric T. Barnes, DO

Over 18 years I traveled for my job. Made it a habit over those years to always move my legs and ankles every flight, and walked through many small and large airports. After retirement I still traveled as my youngest son lived out west. In February, 2021 I flew a 3 segment flight to California and back. Several weeks had passed since that flight, and I noticed having difficulty with shortness of breath just walking into the grocery store and walking up a flight of stairs. Naturally, during the pandemic I figured I had Covid, but called Dr Barnes anyway. I was told to come right in. He then sent me for stat bloodwork and a cat scan. As he suspected, I had a bilateral pulmonary embolism. An ambulance was called and I was taken to the ED.
Without MDVIP and Dr Barnes I truly believe I would not have survived. During the pandemic my symptoms might have just been chalked up to Covid, or I would have had to wait to be seen by a regular physician.
My father and grandfather were both family physicians during my formative years. Dr Barnes brings the type of practice I grew up with. It is refreshing to go back to medicine being practiced as it was in the 50’s and 60’s
