Our Life Saver

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| March, 13 2024 | for Sevie Pimentel, MD

Some months ago my husband was severely ill with a UTI and was hospitalized for a week. Dr Sevie checked on us one or two times a day and was instrumental in getting the infectious disease doctors on board. With the right medications, my husband made a full recovery. The day before his release, I became ill and Dr Sevie saw me immediately and sent the prescription to the nearest pharmacy so I could start the medication. Doctor Sevie returns our calls when we are in need of advice. Dr Sevie puts us through the paces at our annual checkup and cares about our physical and mental wellbeing. Of all the choices we have made in our lives, having Dr Sevie and his staff in our lives has had the greatest positive impact. All of the staff are very professional. Thank you, thank you
