The Positive approach from MDVIP is Refreshing.

Member First Name
| April, 7 2024 | for Matthew Hummel, MD

Since joining MDVIP a few years ago I have received upgraded care and appreciate the ease in making appointments and very professional help from all staff. First couple of years it was routine reviews with referrals to help set up a base with various specialist. The relationships have fostered trust in more medical facilities and doctors. The last year or so I have been able to get quick appointments with my primary and even have walked in on three occasions. Office staff have often been able to respond with directions and advice.
I have had discussions with neighbors/acquaintances about MDVIP and they question the cost but then when I tell them about the quick time to get appointments they are interested. Often I hear a story from them on long it takes to see their Doctor or a specialist. Yes they are frustrated. All would join a MDVIP organization if funds were available. I do have to admit I am not sure if my wife was still alive if we both could afford to have this service!
