Thank you

Member First Name
| April, 3 2024 | for Margi Bhatt, MD, MSPH

I have been experiencing a variety of very uncomfortable symptoms for much of the past year that have caused me to me feel incredibly anxious and frustrated; including chronic pain, insomnia and as well as gradually worsening depression and anxiety. I still don’t have a definitive diagnosis and may never know for certain why these symptoms are disrupting my lifestyle to such a degree at this point in my life. Dr Bhatt has spent untold hours reviewing labs, ordering more tests and working closely with me to try to untangle the potential causal events leading to so much discomfort. I am constantly amazed at her patience with me when I feel overwhelmed, as well as with her obvious intellect and problem-solving capacity. I feel very safe and very heard while interacting with Dr. Bhatt, whether in her office, on the phone or by text. Her warmth and empathy are making a very difficult experience more tolerable and I am beyond grateful.
