True Partner

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| March, 11 2024 | for Christine Sigman, MD, ABAARM

I am a fairly healthy 50+ year old woman that has never paid attention to my overall health. I have always worked out religiously, fought with weight, dont smoke, dont get enough sleep, manage stress... etc. When we did the initial meeting and Dr. Sigman took blood, measured everything she possibly could and then sat with me for 90 minutes to talk about the changes I could make to focus on my overall health. Fast forward a year. I have never felt better. I have lost 45 pounds and am at my ideal weight, I sleep 6-7 hours every night, I take vitamins every day. She connected me with a specialist to focus on some plantars warts - they are gone. She connected me with someone that got me hooked up with orthotics (I'm a runner but broke my ankle a couple of years ago). She eliminated the need for me to have a separate gyn doctor so she can be my one-stop shop. I have no doubt that if anything every went wrong... Dr. Sigman would fix it. I have two grown sons in their 20's who I have told to look up MDVIP doctors in their city so they too can focus on their overall health. It has been a true game changer for our family!!!!
