Trust and try to Obey

Member First Name
| February, 29 2020 | for Mark A. Dodson, MD

When we signed up with MDVIP- Dr. Mark Dodson probably about 7-8 years ago, we did it out of respect for Dr.Dodson, but mainly about 24/7 care and when we had a 9:00 appointment, we were sitting in an examine room or having a coffee or water or breakfast muffin until the doc came in. He was been able to wean both my husband and I off of several of our medications. I had been taking Ambien 10-10.5 mg for over 15 years. I didn’t want to add a new drug. With his counseling and diet suggestions, I think I might just save myself from early onset dementia that runs in almost ever relative I have. He monitors my husbands aperitif value replacement, widow maker by pass ,and finally left carotid endirectomy. They make appointments and test with specialist for us without fail. We trust Mark Dodson with our lives and I don’t believe he would ever let us down. We just don’t want him to ever retire. His staff is friendly, professional and treat us like family. He follows up with all our specialist and surgeons after this last my third lumbar spinal fusion, he’s not stopping til we get bone growing and no more surgery
He gives us suggestions on ways to lower our weight without shaming us. He’s a good Christian family man that loves his wife and family. This last and very serious spinal surgery I had, I met a hospitalist Fred Guerra. He consulted at length and told us our yearly exams and testing were some of the best care he’s seen a doctor take so carefully a great job of protecting and watching over both myself and my husband.
