Walk the talk!

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| May, 8 2024 | for Debbie Fibel, MD

How important is exercise? Just ask my doctor, Debbie Fibel. She has been suggesting exercise to me forever and has listened to all my reasons for not doing (time constraints, cost, health issues) but, always tries to encourage me to do something. She even went so far as to invite me to join her for her personal training sessions twice a week. I don't know many doctors that would do this. To me, twice a week sounded manageable and something I could do. I liked the idea of having someone that could customize a program for my age, with my health constraints and that could help me with my concern about getting older and losing muscle mass, mobility, etc. So, I took her up on this offer and started joining her at class each week. I figured I haven't been to a gym in 30 years, but at least if I keeled over, my doctor would be there to revive me! ha I have been doing this for 2 months now and I actually like it. I have found myself doing exercise at home as well and I feel better! I have a new attitude about exercising and am hoping it will help lower my A1C & maybe some weight too. When I find myself thinking I can't get through the exercises, I hear Debbie saying her chant of "I will not be elderly" and I push myself. I may not continue with the personal training long term due to the expense, but I know I will continue exercising and make a plan to do so. I thank Debbie for her part in helping me see that I can make this a part of my lifestyle again. I am so thankful I chose her to be my Doctor and that I joined MDVIP several years ago. Having a doctor that cares so much that she would take a true personal approach to my well being is priceless. I hope she knows how special she is and that her medical knowledge and caring have made a difference in my life in so many ways!
