Why can't all doctors be like Dr Zaino

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| March, 11 2020 | for Robert P. Zaino, MD

I have been having issues on and off throughout the years. My husband talked to someone who said I needed to see Dr. Zaino because he was unlike any primary care doctor they had ever had. When I met Dr Zaino I knew right away that he was the right doctor for me. Whether its the after hours phone calls on a night or weekend to just check on you or the text messages that he answers as soon as he can, Dr Zaino always makes you feel like he truly cares about you. He listens when most doctors don't seem to anymore. I sent a friend of mine to Dr Zaino and had asked her if she thought he was as good as I said and she almost cried because she was so happy.
People just want to be treated with care and respect and you always get that with him. Thanks for all that you do Dr Zaino!!!!
