Winston is our “Wilson!”

My husband and I decided to take a leap of faith and go live on a boat. We carefully planned for 3 years to make this happen. We sold our home and most of our belongings and bought a Catamaran. We educated ourselves so that this transition would be as painless as possible. How do we get mail with no address? What are the kids going to think? Where do we sail? Can we leave the country? What if we need medical care? We researched and discovered MDVIP. We decided to enroll in the program and found Dr. Stephen Winston. We established a relationship and began to put our health first. We can’t do this if we don’t stay healthy. The annual physicals and follow up appointments were in place years before we took the helm. Dr. Winston was a vital part of the plan. He became our “Wilson!” If you’ve seen the Tom Hanks movie “Wilson,” you get this analogy. While we continue this journey, we were comforted to know that Dr. Winston was virtually stowed in our bow and aft storage lockers. Luckily, home visits and thorough exams kept these “Winston!” moments to a minimum. There were a few broken ribs, minor bloody injuries, dental pain medication needs, and various infections that required reaching into the back pocket of comfort for medical advice. As we return back to land life, we will continue our relationship with Dr. Winston and appreciate him being a valuable factor in our lives. With much gratitude,