Appreciation for Dr. Randy Kinnard

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| January, 18 2024 | for Randy Kinnard, MD

Just wanted to give positive feedback to my MDVIP Doctor & his staff. His name is Randy Kinnard and is located in Beaufort SC.

After moving South, I realized that the Doctor/Patient ratio did not keep up with population growth. I initially went to a local office that struggled to keep Physician Assistants-much less Doctors- and they even booked sixth months out for an appointment.

After some discussion, my wife and I saw value in the MDVIP Doctor model. We signed up and have been satisfied how our health care is taken care of.

Dr. Kinnard & staff have always been there for us. I see him as the Conductor to our Medical Orchestra- he treats and takes care of us inhouse and works mightily upon our behalf to get us into Specialists as needed. He listens and explains things in terms an average person can understand.

To be honest, to pay for MDVIP I economize a small bit elsewhere. OK, I drive a 9 year old SUV with 100k on it. But instead of the temporary satisfaction a new vehicle gives you, I sleep better knowing that my health is better cared for. That peace of mind is priceless.
