The Best Doctor

Dr. Danielle Solomon-Alhemovich is undoubtedly the BEST Doctor I have ever had…and I am 70 and have had a lot of doctors. She is friendly, caring, a great listener and a good motivator. She takes time with me, and reviews my history and ongoing issues. She is not judgmental of my issues but more of a cheerleader that motivates me to work on my issues.
I had lost her for about a year when she changed her affiliation and the old place would give me no information. I was devastated and one night while playing a game on my IPAD, a picture of her popped up with her new location and phone. I would say this was a “God wink!” I was elated, and within 2 days dropped by this address and made an appointment with her.
She also has a great partner in Dr. Moss who has all the characteristics of Dr. Solomon-Alhemovich. I have seen her once when Dr. Solomon-Alhemovich was out of the office. She was warm and wonderful too. How unusual to find 2 great docs in the same place.
I am so settled in my medical issues now as I know someone is watching over me and caring about my health! I celebrate You, Dr. Danielle Solomon-Alhemovich (and Dr. Moss)!