The Best Doctor!!

Member First Name
| March, 13 2024 | for Dr. Todd M. Orszulak, Jr.
Image provided by: SUSAN

My doctor, Dr. Todd Orszulak, was also my parents doctor. One day my father wasn't feeling right so my mother made him go to see Dr. Orszulak. As you know men don't like to go to doctor's, lol. Dr. immediately did EKG and sent him for a sonogram of his heart. When my father returned to the doctor's office, the Dr told my father he saw a darkness on part of his heart. He sent my father to a specialist and he was scheduled for an angiogram where they found major blockage. My father was scheduled for surgery and had 5 stints put in. Dr Orszulak saved my father's life and he lived for another 25 years. He is truly a caring and compassionate doctor who loves his job and his patients. Dr. Orszulak has jumped threw hoops to do everything to care for his patients. He has battled Insurance companies to fight for our care. I feel he is part of my family!! 
