The best doctor ever.

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| February, 10 2024 | for Dr. Todd M. Orszulak, Jr.

Over the span of my 72 years I've had a number of interactions with various physicians, for a variety of reasons. I'm happy to say that I haven't had any bad experiences with any of them. I feel very fortunate for that. I have to say though, that out of all of my interactions with various doctors, Dr. Todd Orszulak stands head and shoulders above the rest of them. I've never felt overly comfortable going to doctors appointments and I always remind Dr. Orszulak that I have the "White Coat Syndrome." He laughs and puts my mind at ease. He makes me feel that he truly cares about me. He takes the time to talk to me not only about my health and well being but even to share a story about himself making me feel like he's not only my doctor, but also my friend. I'll never be 100% calm when going for an appointment, but knowing that Todd Orszulak is my doctor, it makes it so more bearable.
