Dr. Lillian Cohn - Thank you!!!

Member First Name
| March, 17 2024 | for Lillian E. Cohn, MD, FACP

I've been a patient of Dr. Lillian Cohn's for approximately 40 years even before she was with MDVIP. Over that time there have been multiple moments where she helped me through life's ups and downs from getting married to family illnesses and losses and many more. However, the one that made a huge difference to me is when my husband was dying in the hospital. Although I knew his final wishes, I hesitated out of panic and grief. I remember so clearly calling Dr. Cohn and she called me back immediately and talked me through one of the most difficult decisions of my life. She was my lifeline on that day. Although that was 17 years ago, her response and guidance is something I'll be forever grateful to her for and which I'll never forget.
