Kevin Romey - Lung Biopsy

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| February, 21 2024 | for Geoffrey A. Mire, MD, CMD

Dr. Mire sent me and my wife for a lung CT Scan. My results showed a nodule in one lung. I had a lung biopsy on October 25th at hospital. The pulmonary doctor told me it's no big deal might have a sore throat and back to work the next day. I was feeling the total opposite while in recovery pane on my side and hard time breathing in recovery. They sent me home anyway and told me to call my Dr. Mire if any problems come up. I was hurting really bad and trouble breathing. I called Dr Mire told him about the problem and he told me to get to the ER right away. What we found out later that night a small blood vessel was cut and my lung was punctured. The next day Dr. Mire was at the hospital checking on me making sure everything was good. I had the nodule removed eight days later. Let me tell you Dr Mire was there everyday I was in the hospital. When I went home he called me up to come to his office.

Karla Romey
People seem to get sick on weekends. This was the case two weeks ago. My wife and I called him up on Sunday evening and told him the systems and prescribed some meds and she was feeling better in two days.

We have been seeing Dr Mire for about twenty years. Dr Mire really cares about his patients.
