Lisa Wong, VIP = Very Impressive Physician

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| March, 11 2024 | for Lisa L. Wong, MD, FACP
Image provided by: LAURA

Dr. Wong had been my endocrinologist for many years when my primary care physician retired. She was just starting with MDVIP, and was clear that she did not want to pressure me into signing up given the additional cost. When she explained the additional benefits, most particularly having her as my primary care physician, I was sold. It helps so much to have a great working relationship with your doctor. I feel like I can tell her everything without feeling shame or judgement, which is not always the case. I went through several years in which a fire, my son's diagnosis with a serious medical condition, and the COVID pandemic made it difficult to pay the kind of attention to my health that is necessary. I had become sedentary, gained more and more weight, developed high cholesterol and was border-line pre-diabetic. Dr. Wong encouraged me to try small things to improve my health, and when life got less difficult she helped me to tackle my health issues head-on.

Recently, I was unexpectedly diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Dr. Wong Facetimed me after hours on a Friday from Japan to go over the biopsy results and set up an appointment with an excellent surgeon. She checks in frequently to see how things are going, and has helped me to find the right team of doctors to get me through this difficult time. She has also answered questions, advocated for me when needed, and helped me to understand that my medical information is mine, and I can ask for it as I need it. She treats me with care, compassion and intelligence. At the same time, she has been honest and practical about the things I need to change to improve my health and thus has made me feel hopeful rather than defeated. I never feel rushed or like a bother no matter how many questions I ask, More than any doctor I have ever had, Dr. Wong has taken the time to learn about, and seems genuinely interested in, my whole life so that she can help me to best optimize my health. Dr. Lisa Wong is honestly everything you could ever want in a physician and more.
