No better Doctor.....Hands-down!!!!

Member First Name
| February, 10 2024 | for Dr. Todd M. Orszulak, Jr.

Dr. Todd Orszulak is hands down the very best. Many years ago, new to Niagara Falls, I was in an anxiety crisis and did not know what was wrong. I called and was given an immediate appointment with Dr. Orszulak. At that time, at the age of 23 ish, I was afraid of doctors. I found Todd a normal man, trying to help me!!! So when he chose to go with MDVIP, there was not a doubt in my mind that I was staying with him. Just recently, as a follow up after my first set of labs since he has been with MDVIP, I was amazed at the time he took with me and explained every detail and together made a plan based of MY goals, keeping in mind my family life, work life and spiritual health. I was walked out to the front where I had walked in and out of so many times, but this time with more knowledge and comfort that ever before. Dr. Orszulak will listen when you speak, whatever that may be-questions, fears, trial of any kind, name it. It's not just a doctor seeing a patient and making a few dollars as a 'job.' With Todd, it is a patient-doctor relationship, there to help and if you ask me as a Christ follower, a calling. He is meant to be where he is by the Will of God.
