Patient for large fe

Member First Name
| February, 11 2024 | for Lanore Najor, DO
Image provided by: Valincia

I’m a patient of Dr. Lanore Najor. I’ve been a patient for approx 8 years. Because of her caring nature, thorough examinations and her regular follow-up, I insisted that my husband and son change physicians and become a part of the Najor team. I have so many issues at age 58. I need a hip replacement, had a breast reduction, in menopause, have a chronic cough, a painful lump on my small finger and I have horrible sinus and allergies. Dr. Lanore patience makes it easy for me to try what works and eliminate what doesn’t work. My life is awesome even with everything that impacts me because my doctor ensures I can continue to live and enjoy each day. When she joined MDVIP, I didn’t care about the cost. I couldn’t lose the best health care provider I’ve ever had (Dr. Lanore Najor). Below is a photo of me on Safari in South Africa in December 2023. I live everyday to the fullest knowing I have a caring physician looking out for me. Thank you Dr. Najors. My family and I truly appreciate you!!! 
