The Perfect Doctor

About 4 years I joined MdVip at my sister's encouragement. I had gotten tired of doctors who knew nothing about me. I was frustrated that different specialties didn't communicate about my care. The hand never knew what the foot was doing and it affected my health and my care. Dr. Hinderer has become quite dear to me. Recently I had a minor stroke. Test after tests were done. I had moved recently and she knew doctors in other specialities that could help me. I have a very complicated medical history and issues. When it was discovered that my carotid had a large clot in it she knew how to get me where I needed to be in a timely manner. This was an emergent situation where I needed surgery emergently. She kept on top of my care while hospitalized for two weeks. There is no question that she cares deeply for her patients. I am forever blessed to have her as my doctor. I now live 2 1/2 hours away but I am keeping her as my doctor. She knows my entire medical history and keeps track of all of it. Dr. Hinderer saved my life that day. She is the perfect doctor for me.