She's The Best!

Member First Name
| February, 14 2024 | for Mavis N. Matsumoto, MD

Dr. Matsumoto and her staff are the best I've ever had. I had a heart operation last year, and have congestive heart failure. I am extremely short of breath and my pleural cavity constantly fills with fluid. These problems are chronic, with no apparent permanent solution. The doctor has worked with me to manage all these issues so that I can live more or less normally, feel as good as possible, and avoid having a drain tube inserted into my torso. She's constantly researching and analyzing possible solutions. She's genuinely friendly. She spends all the time necessary on any visit, listens carefully, and thoughtfully considers options and best courses of action. Her bedside manner is awesome! I always get a hug at the end of any visit, which is terrific medicine!

Her staff are smart, empathetic, and knowledgeable. The phone is answered quickly by a live person in the office. (Awesome)! Whoever answers can always handle the question or know exactly who to turn to.

In short, Dr. Matsumoto and her office and staff are the best I've ever known.
