Teaching & Reaching The Mind To Heal The Body

I've been using the MDVIP program and Dr Benson for a couple years now. I've really enjoyed the detailed information in the MDVIP program and working with Dr Benson. Until my most recent physical last November, I was still relying on medication to deal with most of the impact of having type 2 diabetes. Dr Benson has encouraged other changes along the way but in this last physical he also took me through the information and labs to show how I was essentially out of medication options for control of negative impact and would eventually need to look at other ways he could treat the other degenerative diseases and impact from diabetes. Dr Benson knows I am a reader and I like to research, so he walked me through all of the labs and different ways they were affecting each other and my body. This info is what I took home that day to start learning much more about what was taking place in my body at a cellular level and how I needed to fix inflammation and metabolic issues before most other things would help. As I learned about how glucose was going to impact my body long term, I found that this time was different from diets in the past. This was a different challenge. Not one of fighting the scale, but more of a science challenge and a battle to fix things in my body vs. just change pounds. I started using tools like intermittent fasting to help adjust eating times and for the impact on insulin resistance, started eating low carb and higher protein, started working out again and before long major changes were happening and in ways where the feel vs. the weight was my motivator. Since November I am down 42 pounds, my blood sugar levels are consistently at levels of no diabetes, not just pre-diabetic or "well managed" diabetic levels. My blood pressure is at the bottom end of ideal levels and my body is changing in all the right ways. I had to make a trip to get new clothes last week and how awesome it was to shop what is on the shelf and not have to order to get the "big and tall" sizes. I have more work to do and long-term behaviors to continue to build in place. My goal is and will be putting my diabetes into remission and in turn helping motivate others to do pursue the same. I am already sharing what I've learned along the way and the MDVIP program info so they can review it and for those in my area also take a look at Doc Benson's program. He gets a ton of the credit for this and how he carefully enabled me to have a choice, to know the outcome good and bad in how I made it and then supporting me now with the labs and changes I need to continue this journey. This is how the relationship should work! On a side note, he also helped me get the MDVIP information to my employer and now MDVIP is the provider for the Wendy's Company Executive health program! Win win all the way around! Thanks MDVIP and Doctor Benson for helping me find my way to better health and a chance at more trips around the sun. We also have my wife in the MDVIP program, and both my teenagers are using Dr Benson for their PCP.