Tears of gratitude

Member First Name
| February, 20 2024 | for Nirav S. Gandhi, MD
Image provided by: Kimberli

I first started seeing Dr. Gandhi a year and a half ago after a frightening bought with a surgery gone wrong and subsequent DVT. I had previously been seeing several doctors to manage said issues, and was even recommended to undergo a potentially dangerous surgery. I felt like all my doctors were only managing a small piece of me according to their expertise, but nobody was communicating with each other. I could never get my concerns completely answered, and felt very uneasy about the impending surgery, even though I was told it was necessary. Dr. Gandhi agreed to take me on as a patient even though his patient load was full. That first visit, and many since, he spent an hour and a half just talking with me and taking an extensive history. I really felt for the first time that a doctor was really listening to me and really cared about what I was going through. He never told me not to persue surgery, he just asked me to wait while he pulled all my information together and we explored the issues further. I remember leaving his office and sitting in my car just weeping tears of gratitude that someone was finally really seeing me and wanted what was best for me. Found out through later diagnostics that the surgery was completely unfounded and would have done nothing for me. I shudder to think what could have happened if I had gone through with it. I have a lifetime of mistrust in doctors, but feel like I have finally found one that I can trust wholeheartedly. Thank you Dr. Gandhi for caring!
