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| April, 3 2024 | for Ryan Gini, MD

Let me preface this by saying I am a Registered Nurse (retired) and have worked with many types of doctors. From private duty docs to military ones, hospital to private practice docs. They all had one thing in common. No time for patients, no time to get to know them as people. Do I blame them? Not for the most part. It is the system, and the system is broke.
I was a patient of Dr. Gini before he made the move to concierge doctor and MDVIP. And when he asked us to join him and MDVIP I asked him why he was making the move. His answer was simple. "I did not get into medicine to practice as I have been for the past years. I want to be able to sit down with my patients and really get to know them as people not as a diagnosis. I want to find out how their lives are and how they are being impacted by life."
I have seen too many doctors who should not be practicing anymore. They are wiped out, tired from too many patients in the day, too many problems to deal with. Dr. G saw this and chose to make the change for himself, his family and for his patients.
I chose to continue with Dr. G and his staff when I moved away from Reno Nv to Ohio due to my health. I now can pick up the phone any time of the day or night (and I know this because I have) and know that he is there for me, ready to answer the call. I have called him when I was about to get on a cruise ship in Boston and have him order me meds that I forgot for the trip. I have sent him pictures of rashes that I need looked at and know that he will take care of me.
I see him once a year for my physical at the same time I reconnect with family and friends that still live there.
I have a great deal of respect for Dr. G and his staff. They know me. They know who I am. I am not just a number to them. This is how medicine was supposed to be. Not what it is today with patients seen every 15 minutes and "you had better only have one complaint to talk about". This is not about insurance. This is about being cared for the way we are supposed to be cared for. And Dr. G and staff do it with the utmost care and concern for me.
Thank you, Doctor Gini. YOU ROCK!!!!
