Women's Health Program Overview

What's in the MDVIP Women's Health Program?

This unique approach offers age-appropriate, advanced screenings and tests that go beyond what is usually included in a basic well-woman exam. The comprehensive services include a heart and stroke screening developed with Cleveland HeartLab, extensive lab panels and assessments for sleep, weight, nutrition, gait, sexual health and emotional well-being. The results from the Women’s Health Program services can be used to design a customized action plan, and together you and your doctor can pursue better health outcomes.


Plus, an MDVIP-affiliated physician has more time to spend with you and discuss areas that can specifically impact your health as a woman, including:

  • Heart health. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women – more than other cancers combined.
  • Bone health. A woman’s risk of a hip fracture is equal to her combined risk of breast, uterine and ovarian cancers.
  • Emotional well-being. Many mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety, disproportionately affect women.

The dots can be connected between primary health and gynecologic health, giving you and your doctor a better view of your overall health. The services included in the MDVIP Women’s Health Program are paid for through an annual membership fee and are not typically covered by insurance. The program targets these areas:

  • Heart Health
  • Emotional Well-Being
  • Diabetes
  • Sexual Health
  • Respiratory Health
  • Menopause
  • Bone Health
  • Hormones
  • Sleep
  • Agility
  • Nutrition and Fitness
  • Vision
  • Weight Management
  • Hearing



Your MDVIP-affiliated physician will offer extensive lab and diagnostic tests focused on risks for conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, thyroid disorders and hormone imbalance, among others. Risk for cardiovascular disease, the number one cause of death among women in the U.S., is addressed through a comprehensive heart and stroke assessment developed with Cleveland HeartLab.




A significant benefit to joining an MDVIP-affiliated practice is the opportunity to express your concerns and be heard. Practices are smaller by design, which allows your physician to spend more time with you. Whether an office visit is for an immediate need, chronic condition or to simply to talk about plans for a healthier future, appointments are not rushed.

Plus, you will be able to schedule same- or next-day appointments for illness or anything that pops up, and you can reach your doctor during and after hours for more urgent needs. An MDVIP-affiliated physician can refer you to specialists as needed and stay abreast of your care if you are traveling or admitted to a hospital.




You and your doctor will discuss the results from your annual Women’s Health Program services. Together, you can develop an individualized action plan to help manage or improve your test results and to stay on top of your health as your needs and age change. Your doctor will have more time to talk with specialists and make necessary referrals based on your results and other indicators. And you’ll be able to view and download those results on your personal website and app, MDVIP Connect.

Frequently Asked Questions


One in three women say their doctor doesn’t take her concerns seriously, and more than one-third wish their doctor spent more time on health issues unique to women, according to an MDVIP/Ipsos Women’s Health Survey. In addition, most women don't realize that heart disease is the number one cause of death among women (not breast cancer).

The MDVIP Women’s Health Program was built to address those concerns and risks. When you join an MDVIP-affiliated practice, you can benefit from a program that captures a holistic picture of your health and a physician who can customize your care as those needs evolve in each age and stage of your life.

Yes. Your MDVIP-affiliated physician is able to address primary care needs, offer same- or next-day sick visits, refill prescriptions and refer you to appropriate specialists as needed. The annual Women’s Health Program covers preventative and baseline screenings that give you and your doctor a comprehensive picture of your health: general, gynecologic and where the two can intersect. In fact, the goal of the Women’s Health Program is to help better prevent, manage and detect warning signs of general health issues as well as to continue to focus on your gynecologic health with expanded services and time.

No. Your MDVIP-affiliated physician can address your primary care concerns, including seeing you the same day or next day for sick visits, refilling your prescriptions and referring you to specialists as needed. Your doctor can also consult on your care if you are traveling or admitted to a hospital.

The MDVIP Women’s Health Program is a membership-based wellness program that focuses not only on your gynecological needs, but also your primary health — and the many areas where the two can intersect. You’ll see a doctor who is no longer routinely performing obstetrical services. You'll be part of a smaller practice where your physician will have more time, tools and resources to take a more proactive, personal approach to your care and offer preventive services and screenings not typically offered in other practices or covered by insurance.

No. These practices focus solely on women's health. However, there are likely other MDVIP-affiliated primary care practices in your area that can accept male patients.

Yes. There is an annual membership fee for the extensive Women’s Health Program. Services include advanced lab testing for cardiovascular disease, thyroid disorders, hormones and diabetes, among others. Additional diagnostic testing includes lung function, agility screening, body composition, hearing, vision, sleep and emotional health screeners, along with nutrition and exercise programs and tools.

The MDVIP Women’s Health Program includes an early detection screening with a vaginal/pelvic ultrasound. Services also include hormone monitoring, menopause management, sexual health screening, bladder function and incontinence assessments, weight management and bone health tests.

Yes. After you have received your annual MDVIP Women's Health Program services, the yearly fee may be reimbursed by flexible spending accounts (FSAs), medical savings accounts (MSAs), health reimbursement accounts (HRAs), and health savings accounts (HSAs). If requested, your physician can provide you with a statement of services to present to your administrator as reimbursement may be sought through the FSA claim submission process. Please note that the fee cannot be paid using an FSA debit or credit card.
