What happens to patients who don’t join my MDVIP-affiliated practice?

This is the first question every physician asks and one that defines the integrity of MDVIP and of our affiliated physicians. Continuity of care for patients who choose not to join you in a new MDVIP-affiliated practice is our priority. We will not move forward unless a continuity-of-care plan is established with other local doctors with whom you’re comfortable, either in the group practice or the community. We take care of everything working with you and your patients to make the transition process as seamless as possible.

What kind of patients join MDVIP-affiliated practices?

Patients who join your practice will have an elevated interest in their health – prevention and management. They will highly regard your expertise and time, value their relationship with you and be motivated to work together with you so they can be healthy. And because they’ve chosen to invest in their wellness and fulfill their desire for more individualized attention, they tend to rely on your guidance for both lifestyle and treatment choices.