Patients from all walks of life choose this model for their primary care. Why?

• They are proactive and engaged in their health and well-being.
• They value more quality, one-on-one time with their physician.
• They require closer management of chronic conditions.
• They are busy executives from local businesses who prioritize expedience and have the authority to select your hospital system for their company’s employee health benefits. Of note, MDVIP has twice been named a top 10 executive health program by Worth magazine, in addition to being recognized among their top 7 executive health programs for women.

Patients who invest in protecting their greatest asset – their health - can be your benevolent hospital donors as well as those on fixed incomes. In short, MDVIP is not healthcare for the wealthy. The MDVIP personalized, preventive wellness program is an affordable option that appeals to consumers ages 55+, and over 50% are covered by Medicare.

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