Why is MDVIP’s innovative personalized care model an attractive service enhancement to health systems?

Today’s discerning customers want more healthcare choice and are seeking a better patient experience. MDVIP’s ongoing market research shapes our consumer-directed, alternative primary care model that provides patients with more individual attention and the conveniences they desire. This membership-based offering, complementary to Medicare and most commercial insurance plans, is a source of new patients and reliable revenue diversification.

How will a partnership with MDVIP benefit our health system?

MDVIP’s membership‐based primary care model supports your health system’s mission to meet the changing needs of patients and augments your physician retention and recruitment efforts. Incorporating a new strategic service arm also supports your expansion goals and your bottom line. An MDVIP‐health system partnership generates a recurring revenue stream, much of which is independent of third‐party reimbursement.

What is required of health system leaders interested in exploring an MDVIP partnership, and how do we know this is right for us?

To furnish you with detailed results of our proprietary ACE Informatics™, our no-cost, risk-free practice and capacity analysis, MDVIP only needs you to supply physician network data. We combine business intelligence software, machine learning and physician/patient segmentation to evaluate the viability of MDVIP in your market. This sophisticated forecasting refined over 20 years predicts the potential of physicians’ success in our model.

Why partner with MDVIP instead of establishing an independent, membership-based primary care offering?

Innovation is time and resource intensive, especially with initiatives as multifaceted as launching a new service line. Partnering with the industry leader in membership primary care and leveraging our expertise in successfully transitioning over 1,000 practices will help you avoid the costly risks associated with trial and error. The result - a more expedient, economical and efficient process in creating a new patient entry point for your health system. Our extensive knowledge of the regulatory landscape also saves you time and money.

Why partner with MDVIP, instead of consulting with a concierge medicine company?

Our numbers speak for themselves - from millions of data points analyzed that help predict your success, to our national footprint of physicians and patients who report exceptional satisfaction in annual surveys and countless testimonials driving consistently high retention, to impressive outcomes published in prominent medical journals – our model works. And it works in a wide variety of communities and practice dynamics across the country as evidenced by thousands of successful conversions.

What happens to patients who do not join?

Although MDVIP isn’t a fit for every doctor and every patient, our highly predictable methodology identifies physicians most likely to prosper in our model and quantifies the number of patients we anticipate joining. As part of our proprietary capacity assessment, MDVIP creates a customized operational blueprint to help ensure patients who prefer not to participate can be absorbed by existing or newly recruited providers and retained in your system.