Living Well Blog

January 15, 2025
Meditation is practice that helps you develop internal focus, control thoughts, relax, find inner peace, concentrate and ease stress. Meditating regularly can train your brain to be more aware of actions and emotions and help you calmly process negative thoughts without judgment.When you think… See more
November 3, 2023
As Benjamin Franklin famously noted: nothing in this world is certain except death and taxes.But when death comes sooner than expected to a loved one, or even when we’re prepared for the possibility, the ensuing grief can be debilitating, impacting many aspects of our life and our ability to focus… See more
November 3, 2023
The elements of grieving are both personal and unpredictable. The extent of bereavement, how we handle loss, and the direct impact on our health varies greatly person to person. Research shows that it’s normal to experience an undercurrent of emotional, mental and physiological health issues… See more
November 3, 2023
Social isolation and loneliness are known to increase as we age and are often spoken about interchangeably. But they are not the same and far from nuanced in their differences. Loneliness is psychologically defined as the feeling of being alone, regardless of how much social contact you have — more… See more
By Janet Tiberian, MA, MPH, CHES
April 14, 2023
The loss of a loved one is an inevitable part of life. Bereavement is a tough and personal journey that can be overwhelming at times, whether the loss is a spouse, child, parent, relative, friend or pet.Bereavement includes grieving, our internal thoughts and feelings on loss, and mourning, our… See more
By Sean Kelley
April 14, 2022
Have you ever volunteered for a good cause? If yes, how did it make you feel? Did it boost your mood? What about when you donated to your favorite charity? It turns out volunteering and giving are two activities associated with good health and longevity.  Let’s focus on volunteering first.… See more
By Sean Kelley
April 14, 2022
Does your life have meaning? Does it have purpose? If you answered yes, here’s some good news: Studies show that having a purpose can lead to better health outcomes. That’s the bottom line, but from there it gets a little murky. Let’s start with how we define what gives us meaning or purpose in… See more
By A. Alan Reisinger, III, MD, FACP
January 31, 2022
You may not realize it, but your mental health can heavily influence your risk for heart disease. From stress to anxiety to depression, how your feeling can affect your heart's health. Learn more in this video from Dr. Alan Reisinger. TRANSCRIPT: I’m sure you know that things… See more
By Janet Tiberian, MA, MPH, CHES
March 19, 2021

Can Stress Cause Gray Hair?

The answer to this question is YES. Most of us appreciate the wisdom that comes with age, but not the gray hair. Age and genes are probably the most widely accepted reasons for hair color loss. But thyroid conditions and low vitamin B12 levels also can play a… See more
December 28, 2020
America has a loneliness problem.  A report released in 2020 found that more than three in five adults are lonely. Many say they feel left out, poorly understood or short on companionship.  Loneliness is associated with poor health outcomes including cognitive decline, depression and… See more