Being post menopausal and having SLE, I have a partner in total wellness.

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| August, 31 2011 | for Jon R. (Jack) Moody, MD

Being post menopausal and having SLE, I have a partner in total wellness. The change in practice no longer leaves me to remember dermatology (sister with melanoma), opthamologist (field vision for plaquenil), gynecology (hormones or not), mammograms, colonoscopies, bone density. With a great desire to live a wellness lifestyle, Dr. Moody has helped me decide on the correct vitamin regimens, maintaining everything from correct diet to BMI, encouraging me to stick with my exercise program. Also, empathetic to the side effects of lupus, providing emotional support at the times you feel crazy. He has always been a brilliant internist, but now is brilliant in all aspects of my well being. It is the best feeling in the world to have a partner over my whole body. He is never pressed for time, very easily contacted. I feel more secure now with my health than ever before.
