Callback on a Saturday - David Zekser, M.D.

Member First Name
| February, 14 2024 | for David Zekser, MD
Image provided by: Eugene

On Friday, December 22nd, I tested positive for covid and was not feeling well at all. I woke up on Saturday feeling much worse and decided to call Dr. David Zekser, my MDVIP doctor. I left a detailed voicemail on his cellphone and hung up. Within minutes, Dr. Zekser returned my call and we spoke for about 10 minutes. He reassured me that all would be well and after 2 or 3 more days (which is exactly what happened).

I was so pleased that he took the time to call me back, on a Saturday morning. His care, along with the attentiveness and caring of his office staff, makes it a pleasure to be a member of MDVIP!
